Find our pricing policy here. Please note that there may be differences between our warehouse and online store regarding product variety, availability, and the timing of promotions or sales.
However, due to various factors, some promotions may be exclusive to the online store.
Customers with a contract are not eligible for promotions.
Under no circumstances can a customer—whether individual or corporate—combine multiple promotions on a single purchase.
We make every effort to ensure stock availability is accurate. However, an item, size, or colour may be out of stock when you place your order. If this occurs, you will receive an email notification regarding the issue.
Additionally, administrative errors, technical issues, invoicing miscalculations, typographical mistakes, incorrect illustrations, or pricing inaccuracies may occur. We reserve the right to correct any errors at any time, even after an order has been confirmed.
The selection of products available in our online store represents only a portion of what is stocked in our warehouse. Due to the possibility of simultaneous sales, we maintain a buffer in online product availability. Some products may be available exclusively to corporate customers, while others may only be available through the online store.